What a great Christmas program. Thanks to everyone for their work in both the Sacrament and Primary programs today. It always sets the spirit of the holidays.
We have several new sisters in the ward and we'd like to send out a big WELCOME to them:
Patty Gilbert, Amy Slaughter, Suzanne Stagg, Angie Harris, Jamie Hayden, and Janna Dennison.
Start recycling your dryer lint in your used cardboard egg cartons, also check the table outside the relief society room each week for emergency preparedness and canning items to order.
Good News Minute
Emily Branelly's husband Patrick got a role in the Hale Center Theatre's production of HairSpray
Our lesson today was Chapter 24 The Sabbath Day given by Heather Keele. We are grateful to Heather for teaching again even though she has been released. We will really miss her lessons!
The word Sabbath comes from the Hebrew word rest. The sabbath is a holy day ordained by God for us to rest from our daily labors and worship Him. In Mark 2:27 Jesus taught that the sabbath was made for our benefit. When we direct our thoughts and actions toward God we are nourished and refreshed and richly blessed! Some of the sisters shared their ideas on what they do to make the sabbath holy: listen to good music, make it a day unlike the other days of the week, visit family or just spend time with your immediate family, attend church, family history, write letters and personal journal entries.
Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and you find the opportunity to bless someones life this week. We love you all and see you next week!