Sunday, October 16, 2011

Thank YOU!

A BIG THANK YOU to all who helped with Fabulous Friday. It was a really fun evening and several projects were completed and classes taught.
Thanks to Jeana Fackrell and Charise Buchanan for teaching the hair class.
Nicole Brady for teaching the bow making class.
Diane Tenney for teaching us how to make fabric flowers.
Jolene Sherwood for showing us how to make fondant icing and sending a cake home with Charise's girls.
Qiana Rust for helping us put together our temple bracelets.
Thanks to Andrea Loftin, Angela Cox, Angie Evans, Michelle Reeves, Karen Nielson, and Sheramy Tahbo for all their work in planning and putting this activity together!!
Thanks also to the RS Presidency for the YUMMY SOUPS and the RS committee for the DESSERTS!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Good Evening SISTERS!
Hope all the kiddies are settling into the routine of returning to school and you are finding all is well.
We had a beautiful and very moving lesson by Sister Cindy Bailey today. The Lord had a very special message for us that Cindy beautifully conveyed to us. So grateful for the spirit that was felt today and the blessing of the scriptures.

I have added a tab for you to view the Fabulous Friday crafts that we will be doing on OCT. 7th from 6-10 pm
We will be having dinner and dessert, FREE classes on Fondant, hair up-dos, hair bows, fabric flowers, pillows, and several crafts that are available to purchase and make that night. Even if you don't make a craft or take a class come have dinner and visit. You can also bring your own project or an unfinished project and work on it with us. Come enjoy a fun night with your sisters.

Also please make every effort this month to make contact with the sisters that you visit teach. We have several sisters that are NOT being visited! They need you and you need them.

Make it a great week and we will see you Sunday

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Good Afternoon Sisters!
We are ordering water and bath towelettes for our 72 hour kits this month. Please see the order form outside the RS Room and in the Binders.

Our lesson this week was given by Sister LaDean Gillman and was on preparing our children to serve missions. LaDean shared with us a message that was given by Elder Bednar at the Institute at UVU. He asked everyone to turn to the Joseph Smith History. He pointed out that after Joseph had seen the Father and the Son in the sacred grove that in verse 20 the next place he went was HOME. There he found his mother and she inquired of him "what was wrong". He replied "never mind, all is well- I am well enough off. I have learned for myself..."

As mothers we have the responsibility to teach our children the gospel so that one day they may learn for themselves that the gospel is true.

Suggestions on how to prepare children for missions:
Set goals, Read the scriptures as a family, start a missionary fund early, Encourage youth to spend time away from home with other family members or church activities or college, Teach them how to work and care for themselves, take care of their mental health, develop positive social skills, develop leadership skills and Manage their money wisely.
Great blessings come to them and to the families of missionaries.

Thanks to everyone who helped with the Karren's funeral luncheon. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

We have back packs AND waterbarrels available to purchase this month.
The back packs are:
$15.97 for X-Large
$10.62 for Large
$8.49 for Medium
55 gallon waterbarrels:
LaDean's friend has worked out a deal with the Macey's in Payson and is letting us in our their order:
55 gallon barrels- $36.28
Barrel and Gas Wrench $6.00
Emergency Siphon $7.25
Garden Hose adaptor $2.00


Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Nursery is in need of toys. Please take your old, but clean toys to Ashlee Rees and she will get them over to the Nursery Room. Thank You!!
What a beautiful SUN day we've enjoyed today. I hope you've all had the chance to get out and enjoy the sun.
*Cindy Bailey's daughter Cami has finished cosmetology school and will be taking her board soon
*Diane Tenny's daughter Bethany had a baby girl last week
*Happy 39th Anniversary to Carol and Steve Streadbeck

Our lesson this week was Chapter 35 Obedience, Sister Amy Slaughter taught today.
Amy started her lesson with a great analogy have how much happier all parties involved are when we are willingly obedient. It shows a greater level of love to our Father in Heaven when we willingly obey. John 14:21 "He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me, and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father."

Each of us should ask ourselves why we obey God's commandments. Is it out of fear?, because we desire the rewards for living a good life?, or because we Love God and Jesus Christ and want to serve Them?
It is better to keep commandments out of fear than not at all. But we will be much happier if we obey because we want to.
Sometimes we do not know the reason for a particular commandment. However, we show our faith and trust in God when we obey Him without knowing why.
God will prepare a way for us to keep the commandments 1 Nephi 3:7 "I will go and do the the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.
Christ is the sublime example of obedience to our Heavenly Father. He said, "I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will but the will of him that sent me." His whole life was devoted to obeying his Father.
If we are obedient and endure to the end the Lord promised us "eternal life, which gift is the greatest of all the gifts of God" Read D&C 76:5-10 for some of the great blessing we are promised for enduring to the end and keeping the Lord's commandments.

Thanks again Amy for filling in today. We are so grateful for all our sisters in the ward and for all the service both known and unknown to others that you do every day!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Modesty Lesson

Activities: Go Group this week. Wednesday at 7:00 Bring your lint filled egg cartons and wax.
May 21st Feed Your Mind Body and Spirit
8:00 walk/run
9:00 Breakfast, Speaker and Special Musical Number

Our Presidency Message was given by Ladean this month. She talked about Modesty
Modesty is a quality of mind, heart and body. Modesty is an attitude of humility, desency and propiety, that may be evindent in thought, language, dress and behavior.
If we treated our bodies truely as temple of God, would it change our thought, dress, behavior and language?
Moses 2:27, we are created in GOd's image. As grateful recipients we must treat our bodies as God meant them to be treated.
God's standard is high. His standard is higher than the worlds. The way we dress says alot about our attitude and priorities.
Modesty is one way we show respect for Heavenly Father and others.
The manequin wears whatever the world is selling. Your standards are set higher than that.
Thanks LaDean for this reminder how how important it is to maintain a higher standard of thought, language and dress than what the worlds standard is.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

Happy Easter to ALL! It's so great to see all the trees blooming, green grass and hear the chirps of new little birds.
This week is the Parenting Class. It is for you and your spouse. A nursery and activites for your children will be provided. Steve Streadbeck will be our speaker, It will be a great night out for you and your husband.
Also mark your calender for:
May 4th Go Group, Lint carton fire starters
May 14th Feed Your Mind, Body and Spirit
8am walk/run
9am breakfast and speaker
Meet at the church for a great and uplifting morning

Our lesson this week was given by Karen Wilcken from the conference talk, Our Very Survival by Elder Kevin R Duncan.
"May we have the wisdom to trust in and follow the counsel of the living prophets and apostles"
Why do we have a living prophet?
People are confused, we need modern revelation, convey the word of God for what meets
the need of the people today.
How can we sustain the prophet?
Read his teachings, honor and follow our local leaders
Pres. Benson declared that "our very salvation hangs on following the prophet." He described what he called "Fourteen Fundamentals in Following the Prophet"
1-the prophet is the only man who speaks for the Lord in everything
2-the living prophet is more vital to us than the standard works
3-the living prophet is more important to us than a dead prophet
4-the prophet will never lead the church astray
5-the prophet is not required to have any particular earthly training or credentials to speak on
any subject or act on any matter at any time
6-the prophet does not have to say "Thus saith the Lord" to give us scripture
7-the prophet tell us what we need to know, not always what we want to know
8-the prophet is not limited by men's reasoning
9-the prophet can receive revelation on any matter, temporal or spiritual
10-the prophet may be involved in civic matters
11-the two groups who have the greatest difficulty in following the prophet are the proud who
are learned and the proud who are rich
12-the prophet will not necessarily be popular with the world or the worldly
13-the prophet and his counselors make up the First Presidency-the highest quorum in the
14-Follow the living prophet and the First Presidency and be blessed; reject them and suffer
Elder Duncan closes with his testimony "I am a witness of their goodness. I testify that they are called of God. I also testify that there is no safer way to approach life, find answers to our problems, gain peace and happiness in this world, and protect our very salvation than by obeying their words."

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Tonight Stake Easter Program @ 6:00 at the Stake Center. Each ward's choir will be presenting an evening of music. Great way to prepare for the Easter Holiday.
Tuesday is Ward Temple Night meet for the 7:00 session
April 27th, Wed. Parenting Class for Husband and Wives, 7-8:30. Nursery provided

Good News:
Carol Eillis' son in California was just put into the bishopric

Our Lesson was given by Megan Webster today. It was Ch. 32 "Tithes and Offerings"
Some important points were made that I'd like to share with those that didn't get the chance to hear her great lesson.
*Paying tithing is a commandment
*Pay an honest and full tithe
*We show our faithfulness to the Lord and set an example for our children
*Willingly pay our tithing, with a joyful willing and cheerful attitude
Our tithes go to pay for temples, meeting houses, education materials, missionary program, family history and temple work. Fast offerings go to help the needy with food, shelter, clothing and medical care. Other donations go to the perpetual education fund, service projects and humanitarian aide, just to name a few.
Several sisters shared their testimony and stories of how paying their tithing has blessed them. I am so grateful to learn and share in the spirit that is always present in our Relief Society.
Hope you all have a great week and let us know if there is any needs that you or your neighbors may have. Love you all!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Welcome to Carrie Webb and her family. She moved into the Willow Haven subdivision next to Andrea Loftin.

Upcoming Activities:
April 6th GO Group--Home remedies- call Chris Houghton if you still want to sign up for water storage or purification items

Our Lesson this week was given by Karen Wilcken and was the conference address "Of things that matter most" by Pres. Uchtdorf.
Pres. Uchtdorf admonishes us to slow down a little, steady the course, and focus on the essentials when experiencing adverse conditions. If life and its rushed pace and many stresses have made it difficult for you to feel like rejoicing, then perhaps now is a good time to refocus on what matters most.
Elder Dallin H. Oaks, taught, "We have to forgo some good things in order to chooses others that are better or best because they develop faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and strengthen our families."
The search for the best things inevitably leads to the foundational principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ-the simple and beautiful truths revealed to us be a caring, eternal, and all-knowing Father in Heaven. These core doctrines and principles, though simple enough for a child to understand, provide the answers to the most complex answers of life. There is beauty and clarity that comes from simlicity that we sometimes do not appreciate in our thirst for intricate solutions. (Remember his example of the pencil?)
So what are the basics?
4 keys relationships that we must develop:
1-with our God 2-with our families 3- with our fellowman 4- with ourselves
Let us simplify our lives a little. Let us make the changes necessary to refocus our lives on the sublime beauty of the simple, humble path of Christian discipleship-the path that leads always toward a life of meaning, gladness, and peace.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

March 20th

Upcoming Events:
Stake Temple Night March 29th

Good News Minute:
Karren Fairbanks' son is back in the USA (he has been in Japan) and will we "home" for a while
Patti Gilbert's son and daughter in law are expecting, this will be Patti's first grandchild
Amy Slaughter's husband got a job promotion
Jodi Thacker is thrilled that BYU won.

Our lesson this week was given by Jodi Thacker, she did a great job. Listening to the testimonies of the youth in our church reassures me that our church is is good hands that there are well prepared future leaders!
Jodi's lesson was on Ch. 30 Charity. Charity is the pure love of Christ. The bible dictionary defines charity as the Highest, Nobelist, and Strongest kind of Love.
Christ taught us by example how we should live our lives. Before He gave His life for us He said:
"This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loves you."
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends"
Charity is the greatest of all virtues because it allows us to give back for all Christ has given to us.
The parable of the Good Samaritan teaches s that we should give to those in need, regardless of whether they are our friends or not. We should not try to decide whether someone really deserves our help or not. If we have taken care of our own family's needs first, then we should help all who need help. In this way we will be like our Father in Heaven, who causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust alike.
We can become more charitable by:
1- studying the life of Christ and keeping His commandments
2-pray to have greater charity
3-love ourselves
4-avoid thinking we are better than other people
"The nearer we get to our heavenly Father, the more we are disposed to look with compassion on perishing souls; we feel that we want to take them upon our shoulders, and cast their sins behind our backs"
Make it a great week sisters, we love each one of you!!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Parenting Class

I was out of town this weekend but heard that the Stake Relief Society activity went "SUPER"
Thank you to the sisters in our ward that helped out with quilts, decorations and serving! It is so nice that everyone is so willing to help out!

I want to be sure that everyone is marking their calenders to attend the PARENTING CLASS that we are having on April 27th @ 7:00
Steve Streadbeck and his sister have written a book on parenting and will be teaching the class.
HUSBANDS are invited and a NURSERY will be provided.

Don't forget about your GO GROUP homework and get your water storage and purification items! See sign ups in binder. Also gather up your auto documents for your grab and go binders. Keep collecting your dryer lint in CARDBOARD egg cartons and plan on attending the GO GROUP the first WED. of every month. April's class will be on HOME REMEDIES for all sorts of ailments and fixes.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Wow! Where did the month of February go?!
With Stake conference and Ward conference I have really slacked off. Forgive me PLEASE!
Hope everyone enjoyed Stake Conference as much as I did. We are so pleased to have such loving and compassionate leaders. It was just what I needed.
Well enough of my rambling. We had a great lesson on Water Storage in GO Group last night and a great night with our Gardening class two weeks ago. I have a few handouts left from the GO Group that I'll bring on Sunday and will be sending out a file from the Gardening class.

Adrianne Morris had her baby and all are doing well.
We have made alot of changes in visiting teaching assignments so be sure to watch for those!

Upcoming events: Next Saturday the 12th is the Stake Relief Society Birthday Party.
It is at 9 am. There will be several service projects to work on, a speaker and lunch. It should be a great way to spend your Saturday morning.

Watch for sign-ups for water storage items that will be available for purchase. Sister please if you sign up for these items, plan on picking them up at the following GO Group (1st Wed. of each month). We are very lucky that Chris is willing to pick up these items the least we can do is pay for it and pick them up from the church. Thanks!

Also be sure to check the side bar of the blog for all the events for the month!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Hello Sisters, Thanks for dropping by!
This week was our combined meeting and it was very informative and motivating! The meeting was a continuation from an earlier discussion on emergency preparedness.
This Bishop began by addressing some of the threats that we have in our area.
Threats in our area:
-Water Contamination
*loss of home/shelter
*loss of utilities; gas, water, power, telephone
*loss of transportation
-Toxic contamination
-Severe Storms
What are we doing as a ward?
Relief society is beginning to hold a monthly GO Group. It will be held the 1st Wednesday of each month. It's goal is to educate and motivate us to get prepared for emergencies.
We are also providing information and supplies for 72hr kits.
Monthly assignments will be given out to get us prepared.
Monthly visits to the cannery to build up our food storage.
The Ward has a written Emergency Preparedness Plan but the primary responsibility rests with individual families. It's essentially our responsibility to prepare for our own self reliance. This means:
Creating our own family emergency preparedness plan
Building up our food storage
Saving money and getting out of debt
Educating ourselves.
The church's Provident Living website is an excellent source to get started, participate in the ward activities and get motivated to become self reliant. BE PREPARED!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

This Wed. is our sewing class. Please bring your material (already cut out), scissors, pins, thread. A iron and ironing board and power strip and extension cord will also be great! Also bring your sewing machine if you have one.
GO Group is Feb. 2, there is a sign up if you want to purchase the items to make personal heaters and then Chris Houghton will be doing a coupon class after. 7:00-8:00 will be a lesson on alternative forms of heat and the coupon class will start at 8:00. Also remember to get your backpacks for your 72 hour kits.
Feb. 16th we are having a master gardener come and talk about amending soil, natural pesticides, water conservation, growing bigger better tomatoes and tree pruning.
Good News Minute:
Amy Bush's son hits his year mark of his mission this week. Amy was excited because now she gets to start counting down.
Nikki Brady's grandson comes home from his mission this week.
A Big THANK YOU to Cindy Bailey for teaching our lesson last week. Her and her mother bore wonderful testimony of the blessings that come through sacrifice. You both definately touched many hearts.
This weeks lesson was from the General Conference Ensign. It was "Courageous Parenting" by Elder Lawrence. He states "What the world really needs is courageous parenting from mothers and fathers who are not afraid to speak up and take a stand." He reminds us what Elder Christensen said, "parenting is not a popularity contest." Elder Hales said, "sometimes we are afraid of our children-afraid to counsel with them for fear of offending them". If your daughter was sitting on the railroad tracks and you heard the train whistle blowing would you warn her to get off the tracks? Or would you hesitate, worried that she might think you were being overprotective?
Some suggestions that Elder Lawrence gave are: make sure that you work together as parents, stay up and wait for your children to get home, postpone children romantic relationships, let children know when they are expected to be home, and counsels against allowing sleepovers.
Being a good parents doesn't always involve saying no. Parents also need to say yes to the counsel of the prophets.
5 Fundamental Practices to Fortify Your Youth
1-family prayer
2-family scripture study
3-family home evening
4-family dinner
5-regular one-on-one interviews
"Parenting teen agers in the latter days is a very humbling assignment. Satan and his followers are striving to bring this generation down, the Lord is counting on valiant parents to bring them up. Parents "be strong and of good will (Joshua 1:9).
We love you all and make it a great week!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

We hope you are looking at the tables outside of the Relief Society Room each week. We have a lot of great projects and activities that are going to be held throughout the year. We will have those items and sign ups set up on the tables so that ALL sisters can know what's going on in Relief Society.
We are also way excited to finally be starting our GO Group. GO stands for Gather and Organize. We will be holding hands on classes each month and you'll have homework, yes homework, to do each month to get you and your family more prepared. This should really be fun!

Good News Minute:
*Sheramy Tahbo got to meet Elder Ballard when he stopped by her work. She got to shake his hand, I don't think she's washed it since.
*Kelly Robinson's daughter has passed a milestone in her pregnancy and is out of the woods and ready to deliver at any time.

Welcome to Jennifer Hoffman! Her and her family will be moving into the ward on Saturday. They are moving into the log home behind Bishop Thacker.

Today's lesson was Chapter 25 Fasting:
There are 2 essential principles of Fasting: Prayer and Purpose. Fasting is a commandment and that alone should be reason enough to do it, but of course the Lord blesses us if we follow His commandments.
*Some of the purposes of fasting are:
overcome weakness, heal sickness, guidance and comfort, know the truth of things, become humble, and feel closer to the Lord.
*Prayer is a necessary part of fasting. We should begin and end each fast with prayer. Throughout the scriptures fasting and prayer are mentioned together.
*We should be cheerful during our fasting and not advertise our fasting to others. On our fast day we neither eat nor drink for two consecutive meals. Children are encouraged to fast after they are baptized, but should never force them.
* When we fast wisely and prayerfully we develop our faith. With that we will have greater spiritual power.
Today's lesson defiantly gave me a greater understanding of the purpose and blessings that come through fasting. I will be sure to keep these in my prayers during next months fast.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

What an inspirational lesson we had today! I really was motivated to come home and set some SIMPLE goals for the new year. It was also a good reminder of the importance it is to keep reading and rereading the conference addresses. I can't believe how much I had forgotten in just three months. One of my favorite things from the lesson today was a quote from Sister Hinckley,
"Stick to the task until it sticks to you. Beginners are many, finishers are few"
Let's all take some time if we haven't already to set some goals for the new year, also take some time to reflect on how far we've improved and grown over the last year, five years or ten years. If we take the time to do this I believe we will be amazed at how much we've grown and all the blessings that we have received! Thanks LaDean for the spirit that you brought to relief society today!